Crystal For Everyone

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand crystal better.

We have our own spellbound sky ritual scented cows and so you're working with the aromatic effects of them, and each one of them they're you're still using them for that intention, but they have the scent to go along and we can show you those. i would love to see that that sounds so nice and so cool. this one we have what we call micro luminescence and then we actually have right here, copper mixed in the copper. my god those are so beautiful and this one's like kind of going in this one has the gold leaf here. this one is our gold warrior for, it's a lot more for action warrior energy. we got the silver goddess right here, and we have our newest one the belladonna luna. wow which is all about magical range? i love that. this is so special and here's our classic, so i just sat down and i'm gonna talk with martin. he's the other shop owner here at stallbound sky.
how are you doing today? i'm doing great happiest zara spring equinox here. thank you so much for letting me film in here and have such an amazing time. i'd love to ask you you have so many awesome questions. what is your current like crystal that you're gravitating towards right now? i'm experiencing a lot of family member right now, so as we all know these emotions can just like really hit you in waves.

So one of the films that i've been working with a lot is the black stones. the orca agate is really powerful stones to banish any negative thoughts, negative energies, because these low vibrations of sadness and grief are not healthy for us. we must continue to exist, we are warriors of light and life will go on. so this is about just banishing all that stuff. so yeah orca agate and apache tears are really wonderful zones for gravy and releasing darkness.

Mark was mentioning that you have been you guys have had a shop for 11 years, that’t the best crystal shops near me, and asked him what was his favorite aspect about owning a crystal shop? i'd love to ask you what is your favorite thing about owning a crystal shop, helping the community, helping the children access their spiritual potential, because mental health is such a terrible thing that's happening right now. with a lot of people that are feeling so lost, and i think when people come in to sit them down and remind them of their divine nature that they are not victims of the circumstance called life, but they are warriors of light magical.

So to help to be of service, and i always tell my customers remember there's three rules to life be, kind mind your business and love yourself more than you love anyone else, and that's it, and you'll have an amazing life, trust me.

I love spellbound sky, i am such a fan of this crystal shop. i bring my friends there to really wow them especially if someone's kind of new on their crystal journey. i'll be like oh we should go to spellbound sky, because i know that they'll be wowed, it's like right when you walk inside you just see all these crystals all this beautiful like colors and you sense the energy when you walk inside, and it's just like a really nice place to go crystal shopping, finding what crystal is connecting with you. i feel like they make it really easy in this process, just the way that the way that everything's laid out in the shop. i love it so so much. i had such a fun time, talking with martin and also mark getting to know a little bit more about spellbound sky. if you are ever in the la area i definitely recommend coming to this crystal shop, it's one of the best in los angeles.

Another pair of shoes are these black mules and these are like good heels that you can wear during the day that won't hurt your feet.

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  • Los Angeles, California, United States